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پنیرپیتزا پروسس

Processed cheese pizza


Pizza cheese is one of the most popular dairy products in the world. Although the exact history of the production of the first type of pizza cheese is not available, but statistics show that the production of the first types of this cheese, almost in its current form, dates back to about 50 years ago. To be. In general, two types of pizza cheese are produced in Iran, the first type is Pastafila or mozzarella, which is actually the main pizza cheese, and the second type is processed pizza cheese, in which the fat and protein used are of dairy origin. Kooshan pizza cheese is a processed type that is processed from a mixture of one or more cheeses with different degrees of ripeness with the original cheese as the main ingredient and heating the above mixture in appropriate conditions until a uniform mixture is created. This cheese has a relatively high fat and moisture due to its dairy origin, and its elastic and rubber properties are also special features of this type of cheese. This cheese has a soft and spongy texture and has a mild taste and must be thawed before consumption.

Nutritional facts


100 Kcal


1.6 g


5.5 g


0.49 g

Trans fat

0.0 g


Preparation of snacks, bread and cheese, preparation of hot and cold sandwiches and consumable in the preparation of various foods such as lasagna, pasta, omelets, pizza, snacks, etc. Preparation of snacks, bread and cheese, preparation Types of hot and cold sandwiches that can be used in the preparation of various foods such as lasagna, pasta, omelets, pizzas, snacks, etc.

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